Missing Classmates

Well, if you are reading this, then you really are not missing, but I don't have your recent information! Please complete it for me!!!

Thanks for stopping by and helping out - it is hard to keep up with 681 classmates!!! I don't even know where I am half the time!

Thanks!!!!! Susan

Sarah Abrams
Era Akers
Billy Anderson
Melissa Arrington
Ann Barton
Nancy Beard
Helen Binion
Chenita Blue
Raymond Boisclair
Daryl Booth
Ted Bowen
Beverly Bradford
Donna Brannon
Debbie Bryant (Cartwright)
Rosemary Burgess
Cathy Burroughs
Corky Burroughs
Ernest Byrd
Pam Campbell (Ruff)
Don Carrigan
Patricia Christian
Lora Clark
Gary Lee Clay
Dorothy Clemons
Kenneth Coffey
Ellen Cole
Diane Collins (Thompson)
Ellis Crim
Brenda Curry
Christopher Curry
Phillip Daniel
Thomas Daniel
Jerome Davis
Jacky Decker
Nina DeLoach (LeGate)
Wayne Dickey
Jimmie Dockery
Donna Duncan
Donna Gail Duncan
Robert Dunlap
George Erwin
James Estes
Wayne Falls
Patsy Fields
Janet Flowers
Steven Foster
Claudia Gardner
Ethel Gary
Janet Gilliland
Valerie Gurr
Jessie Hall
Kathy Hammond (Johnson)
Kathy Hammond (Johnston)
Joe Hargrove
Curtis Harris
Paul Hassell
Bobbi Hastings (McDonald)
Connie Henderson (Hinton)
Charles Henley
Martha Sue Henry
Steve Herring
Danny Hinton
Shirley Hocutt
Debby Holman
Deloris Hopson
James Hudson
Mike Huffman
James Hughes
Tony Hughes
Patricia Jarrell
Elizabeth Johnson
Penny Johnson
Sylvester Johnson
Linda Johnston (Newman)
Sharon Johnston (King)
Sylvia Jones
James Kemp
Marilyn Lake (Kelley)
Dwight (Dusty) Lamb
John Lancaster
Jean Lawson
Becky Ledbetter
Ronnie Leitch
Willie Lewis
Dorothy Long
Joe Lowery
Pollyanne Masterson
James Edward Maxwell
Barbara McGuff
Marilyn Melvin
Julie Nichols
Patrick O'Keefe
Thomas Oswalt
Sederick Petty
Colin Ray
Tim Reed
Kenneth Reeves
Ann Reinhard (Cunningham)
Teresa Rejent
Annie Louise Rice
Debbie Rice (Wheat)
Elaine Roberts
Jackie Roberts
Teresa Robertson (Beasley)
Karen Rockards
Steve Rumanek
Robert Rumsey
Mary Louise "Lulu" Sanders
Ruth Sanders
Johnny Sellers
Douglas Sims
Linda Skelton (Andrews)
Rebecca Skelton
Delois Sledge
Kathy Smith
Marita Smith
Cathy Smitherman
Lisa Sommers
Linda Sturdivant
Linda Sullivan
Deanna Tennyson
Pat Terry (Stephens)
Steve Terwilliger
Mike Thomas
Rufus Thomas
Teresa Truelove
Mike Tucker
Ed Valle
Kathryn Vance
Elizabeth Vaughn (Jacobs)
Linda Vibbart
Yolanda Villoch
Jan Waites (Strickland)
Rosalyn Walker
Jack Wallace
Tom Walthaw
William Ware
John Watson
Edna Diane White
Shirley White
Jeff Whitson
Roger Williams
Joan Marie Wilson
Max Wilson
Steve Wood
Cynthia Wright